I have a question about swift function name rule. As I tried in IDA Pro to analyze a iOS app (Maybe OS X is the same case) written in swift, such as swift-2048, I got function name like this :
EXPORT __TFC10swift_204811AppDelegate27applicationWillResignActivefS0_FCSo13UIApplicationT_
__text:00022FAC __TFC10swift_204811AppDelegate27applicationWillResignActivefS0_FCSo13UIApplicationT_
__text:00022FCC __TToFC10swift_204811AppDelegate27applicationWillResignActivefS0_FCSo13UIApplicationT_
First and second function name looks very similar. Only one difference is "TFC" and "TToFC". What's the different? I saw some function sub is different:
__text:00022FAC EXPORT __TFC10swift_204811AppDelegate27applicationWillResignActivefS0_FCSo13UIApplicationT_
__text:00022FAC __TFC10swift_204811AppDelegate27applicationWillResignActivefS0_FCSo13UIApplicationT_
__text:00022FAC ; DATA XREF: __objc_data:0004A51Co
__text:00022FAC STMFD SP!, {R4,R7,LR}
__text:00022FB0 MOV R4, R0
__text:00022FB4 MOV R0, R1
__text:00022FB8 ADD R7, SP, #4
__text:00022FBC BL _objc_release
__text:00022FC0 MOV R0, R4
__text:00022FC4 LDMFD SP!, {R4,R7,LR}
__text:00022FC8 B _objc_release
__text:00022FC8 ; End of function __TFC10swift_204811AppDelegate27applicationWillResignActivefS0_FCSo13UIApplicationT_
__text:00022FCC ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
__text:00022FCC __TToFC10swift_204811AppDelegate27applicationWillResignActivefS0_FCSo13UIApplicationT_
__text:00022FCC ; DATA XREF: __objc_const:00049A28o
__text:00022FCC BX LR
__text:00022FCC ; End of function __TToFC10swift_204811AppDelegate27applicationWillResignActivefS0_FCSo13UIApplicationT_
But some of them is very similar:
__text:000230B4 EXPORT __TFC10swift_204811AppDelegatecfMS0_FT_S0_
__text:000230B4 __TFC10swift_204811AppDelegatecfMS0_FT_S0_
__text:000230B4 ; DATA XREF: __objc_data:0004A530o
__text:000230B4 var_10 = -0x10
__text:000230B4 var_C = -0xC
__text:000230B4 STMFD SP!, {R7,LR}
__text:000230B8 MOV R7, SP
__text:000230BC SUB SP, SP, #8
__text:000230C0 MOV R1, #(:lower16:(__TWvdvC10swift_204811AppDelegate6windowGSqCSo8UIWindow_ - 0x230D4))
__text:000230C4 MOV R2, #0
__text:000230C8 MOVT R1, #(:upper16:(__TWvdvC10swift_204811AppDelegate6windowGSqCSo8UIWindow_ - 0x230D4))
__text:000230CC LDR R1, [PC,R1] ; __TWvdvC10swift_204811AppDelegate6windowGSqCSo8UIWindow_
__text:000230D0 STR R2, [R0,R1]
__text:000230D4 STR R0, [SP,#0x10+var_10]
__text:000230D8 MOV R0, #(__TMdC10swift_204811AppDelegate - 0x230E8)
__text:000230E0 ADD R0, PC, R0 ; __TMdC10swift_204811AppDelegate
__text:000230E4 ADD R0, R0, #8
__text:000230E8 STR R0, [SP,#0x10+var_C]
__text:000230EC MOV R1, #(:lower16:(selRef_init - 0x23100))
__text:000230F0 MOV R0, SP
__text:000230F4 MOVT R1, #(:upper16:(selRef_init - 0x23100))
__text:000230F8 LDR R1, [PC,R1] ; selRef_init ; "init"
__text:000230FC BL _objc_msgSendSuper2
__text:00023100 MOV SP, R7
__text:00023104 LDMFD SP!, {R7,PC}
__text:00023104 ; End of function __TFC10swift_204811AppDelegatecfMS0_FT_S0_
__text:00023108 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
__text:00023108 __TToFC10swift_204811AppDelegatecfMS0_FT_S0_
__text:00023108 ; DATA XREF: __objc_const:00049A64o
__text:00023108 var_10 = -0x10
__text:00023108 var_C = -0xC
__text:00023108 STMFD SP!, {R7,LR}
__text:0002310C MOV R7, SP
__text:00023110 SUB SP, SP, #8
__text:00023114 MOV R1, #(:lower16:(__TWvdvC10swift_204811AppDelegate6windowGSqCSo8UIWindow_ - 0x23128))
__text:00023118 MOV R2, #0
__text:0002311C MOVT R1, #(:upper16:(__TWvdvC10swift_204811AppDelegate6windowGSqCSo8UIWindow_ - 0x23128))
__text:00023120 LDR R1, [PC,R1] ; __TWvdvC10swift_204811AppDelegate6windowGSqCSo8UIWindow_
__text:00023124 STR R2, [R0,R1]
__text:00023128 STR R0, [SP,#0x10+var_10]
__text:0002312C MOV R0, #(__TMdC10swift_204811AppDelegate - 0x2313C)
__text:00023134 ADD R0, PC, R0 ; __TMdC10swift_204811AppDelegate
__text:00023138 ADD R0, R0, #8
__text:0002313C STR R0, [SP,#0x10+var_C]
__text:00023140 MOV R1, #(:lower16:(selRef_init - 0x23154))
__text:00023144 MOV R0, SP
__text:00023148 MOVT R1, #(:upper16:(selRef_init - 0x23154))
__text:0002314C LDR R1, [PC,R1] ; selRef_init ; "init"
__text:00023150 BL _objc_msgSendSuper2
__text:00023154 MOV SP, R7
__text:00023158 LDMFD SP!, {R7,PC}
__text:00023158 ; End of function __TToFC10swift_204811AppDelegatecfMS0_FT_S0_