<div id="Contents">
<div style="float:left;margin-left:10px;">
<div style="float:left;margin-left:10px;">
This is my html code. I want to convert it canvas image.
html2canvas($("#Contents"), {
onrendered: function(canvas) {
I use html2canvas plugin for convert it to image but It does not show svg.
I solve converting svg tp canvas but now html2canvas not working
var $to=$("#MainContents").clone();
$($to).children(".box").each(function() {
var svg = ResizeArray[$(this).children(".box-content").children().attr("new-id")-1].svg();
var Thiscanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
Thiscanvas.setAttribute("style", "height:" + 100 + "px;width:" + 100+ "px;");
canvg(Thiscanvas, svg);
html2canvas($($to), {
onrendered: function(canvasq) {
var w=window.open(canvasq.toDataURL());
I can convert svg to canvas but html2canvas function not working.
You will need to use canvg library for drawing this svg to a temporary canvas and then remove that canvas once you take the screenshot using html2canvas.
Here is the link for canvg : https://github.com/canvg/canvg
Try this:
//find all svg elements in $container
//$container is the jQuery object of the div that you need to convert to image. This div may contain highcharts along with other child divs, etc
var svgElements= $container.find('svg');
//replace all svgs with a temp canvas
svgElements.each(function () {
var canvas, xml;
canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.className = "screenShotTempCanvas";
//convert SVG into a XML string
xml = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(this);
// Removing the name space as IE throws an error
xml = xml.replace(/xmlns=\"http:\/\/www\.w3\.org\/2000\/svg\"/, '');
//draw the SVG onto a canvas
canvg(canvas, xml);
//hide the SVG element
this.className = "tempHide";
//After your image is generated revert the temporary changes
As the html2canvas don't take svg elements, you need to convert all svg elements to canvas before you call the html2canvas method. You could use the canvg library to convert all the svg to canvas. You can pass the jquery object(which needs to convert from svg to canvas, can also be a parent element) to the following method:
function svgToCanvas (targetElem) {
var nodesToRecover = [];
var nodesToRemove = [];
var svgElem = targetElem.find('svg');
svgElem.each(function(index, node) {
var parentNode = node.parentNode;
var svg = parentNode.innerHTML;
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvg(canvas, svg);
parent: parentNode,
child: node
parent: parentNode,
child: canvas
html2canvas(targetElem, {
onrendered: function(canvas) {
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
ctx.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
Your solution works beautifully. Since I am not using jQuery in my application, I had to change couple of lines in svgCanvas for getting the svg elements and iterating through them. The rest of the functions worked without any changes. My code is...
function svgToCanvas (targetElem) {
var nodesToRecover = [];
var nodesToRemove = [];
var svgElems = document.getElementsByTagName("svg");
for (var i=0; i<svgElems.length; i++) {
var node = svgElems[i];
var parentNode = node.parentNode;
var svg = parentNode.innerHTML;
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvg(canvas, svg);
parent: parentNode,
child: node
parent: parentNode,
child: canvas
html2canvas doesn't allow to save SVG is an issue.
If you want to save an SVG you an follow other way, like to transform your SVG into a PNG for example
SVG -> canvas -> PNG -> canvas -> PNG
You can create your own innerHTML, like the following(github:https://github.com/yelloxing/clay/blob/master/src/_polyfill/innerHTML.js):
enter image description here