I've decided to add auto-update functionality to one of my applications and was looking for any existing solutions that compare the current running version with the latest version that is then downloaded from the web.
I know Sparkle on Mac OSX which is very nice and powerful, but was wondering whether there is something similar for Win32/MFC?
I just stumpled accross WinSparkle which is an early stage but looks very promising.
I found two more projects aimed at solving this: http://sevenupdate.sourceforge.net/ and Google's Omaha but it's not clear either of them has any external users yet, so this question is apparently still open. I too am looking for a solution....
I've never used it, but WiX provides ClickThrough. Might be worth a look.
There is open source project WIPT inspired by APT of Debian Linux. However, the project seems to be abandoned.
I assume you already know about ClickOnce? I wasn't sure it was compatible with MFC, but then I found this article, so if that's the question you're asking, ClickOnce would be something to try.
AbstractSpoon uses "Software Update Wizard" from here for their awesome ToDoList MFC app.
Another .NET one: SparkleDotNet
In general no, windows maps things like DLLs (either your own or MFC) in such a way that you can't replace a running program.
The msi installer checks the VERSIONINFO and doesn't overwrite installed files that have the same (or newer version) but you would have to quit the runnign instance.