I am trying to access mysql from my mac's terminal.
I have tried just typing
mysql -u root -p
(and Enter, but that does not exist..)
This is what i have managed to do/located so far:
Williams-iMac:mysql noName$ cd /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/var/mysql/mysql
Williams-iMac:mysql noName$ ls
This is what is located there.
columns_priv.MYD help_relation.frm slow_log.CSV
columns_priv.MYI help_topic.MYD slow_log.frm
columns_priv.frm help_topic.MYI tables_priv.MYD
db.MYD help_topic.frm tables_priv.MYI
db.MYI host.MYD tables_priv.frm
db.frm host.MYI time_zone.MYD
event.MYD host.frm time_zone.MYI
event.MYI ndb_binlog_index.MYD time_zone.frm
event.frm ndb_binlog_index.MYI time_zone_leap_second.MYD
func.MYD ndb_binlog_index.frm time_zone_leap_second.MYI
func.MYI plugin.MYD time_zone_leap_second.frm
func.frm plugin.MYI time_zone_name.MYD
general_log.CSM plugin.frm time_zone_name.MYI
general_log.CSV proc.MYD time_zone_name.frm
general_log.frm proc.MYI time_zone_transition.MYD
help_category.MYD proc.frm time_zone_transition.MYI
help_category.MYI procs_priv.MYD time_zone_transition.frm
help_category.frm procs_priv.MYI time_zone_transition_type.MYD
help_keyword.MYD procs_priv.frm time_zone_transition_type.MYI
help_keyword.MYI servers.MYD time_zone_transition_type.frm
help_keyword.frm servers.MYI user.MYD
help_relation.MYD servers.frm user.MYI
help_relation.MYI slow_log.CSM user.frm
But i still don't know how to access the mysql, so that i can create a new database (without doing it i phpmyadmin). I have created a new database in phpmyadmin though, just to try enter:
mysql -u root -p (my_phpmyadmin_created_database)
..but without any success.
I hope that with all the information i have given about my issue to all of you out there, that someone will help my get by this time-consumimng-heck-of-a-boring-issue! :)
Thanks in advance!