A while back I had to use a jQuery plugin in my project. I needed some different functionality, so I rewrote the plugin and a few days back I published a fork on github. I wanted to add the package to the bower repository.
The forked repository
I added a bower.json file to the repository and registered the package with the usual "bower register" command. The problem is, when I try to install my package, bower installs the original script and not the fork.
What I already tried:
At first I thought it's because I didn't make a release, so I fixed that part. But It didn't help.
I also tried to change the version number to the version number of the original script with no luck.
So maybe the bower.json file I wrote was not well written, right? My next attempt was using Bower to make a propper bower.json file for me using "bower init". No luck.
So what could I be doing wrong?
The GitHub help page defines a fork as a method to use someone else's project as a starting point for your own idea. That was my intention since I rewrote the plugin to be oo oriented and added some functionality, but 80% of the code used is still from the original plugin and it didn't feel right to just make a new repository. Should I instead make a new repository and will registering my repo with Bower work then?
What is the usual approach if you did some medium to major changes to a repository? Do you fork it or publish a new repo? Do you still make a pull request even if the changes are bigger?