
Menu path in Pathauto

2019-03-09 18:20发布


How do I get pathauto under Drupal 7 to generate a URL alias by the full menu path?


Just an update in case anyone comes across this with a more recent version of Pathauto/Token. This worked for me:



I ended up using:


Heavy caution though: If the node does not have a menu link, you'll end up without an automatically aliased page. On the bright side, this might make you aware of orphan pages. (Consider it a feature!)

Note that using the pattern:


will only give the node's menu link, not that of the parent (which would be needed to reference the parent's path).

Or the pattern: [node:parent:url:path]/[node:menu-link]

throws an error in my instance of Drupal 7 about invalid tokens (even though I have the token module installed).



If the node is not in the menu, then it does not create an alias. Otherwise this seems to work for n-tier menus.


I think it has to be this pattern now:


"path" instead of "alias"


You'll need to install the contrib Token module as well -- although a lot of the features of Token are part of core in D7, some of the edge case tokens (like the full menu path of a given node) aren't provided by core automatically.

With that installed, I believe that [node:menu-link:parent] or [node:menu-link:parent:url] should work.


The pattern that works for me is the following:


I also intalled the Token module like Eaten suggested. Don't know if [node:menu-link:parent:url:alias] is part of core or lives in contrib.


If you're attempting to make aliases for pages that are 3rd level or deeper, for example:

Home page
 > Level 1 page
   > Level 2 page
     > Level 3 page

and you want the alias for Level 3 page to look like http://domain.com/level-1/level-2/level-3, I got it to work for me by setting my pattern to:


Notice that I added :parent to the token, and for the first one I added it twice.





This is the solution I use:


It will separate parent menu items with a dash. That is what I need.


For anyone who stumbles upon this answer, and wonders how to add this:

Configuration > Search and Metadata > URL aliases, then create under "Patterns" tab.