I have an enumeration for my Things like so:
public enum Things
I would like to write an extension method for this enumeration (similar to Prise's answer here) but while that method works on an instance of the enumeration, ala
Things thing; var list = thing.ToSelectList();
I would like it to work on the actual enumeration instead:
var list = Things.ToSelectList();
I could just do
var list = default(Things).ToSelectList();
But I don't like the look of that :)
I have gotten closer with the following extension method:
public static SelectList ToSelectList(this Type type)
if (type.IsEnum)
var values = from Enum e in Enum.GetValues(type)
select new { ID = e, Name = e.ToString() };
return new SelectList(values, "Id", "Name");
return null;
Used like so:
var list = typeof(Things).ToSelectList();
Can we do any better than that?
Extension methods only work on instances, so it can't be done, but with some well-chosen class/method names and generics, you can produce a result that looks just as good:
public class SelectList
// Normal SelectList properties/methods go here
public static SelectList Of<T>()
Type t = typeof(T);
if (t.IsEnum)
var values = from Enum e in Enum.GetValues(type)
select new { ID = e, Name = e.ToString() };
return new SelectList(values, "Id", "Name");
return null;
Then you can get your select list like this:
var list = SelectList.Of<Things>();
IMO this reads a lot better than Things.ToSelectList()
The best you can do is put it on a static class, like this:
public static class ThingsUtils {
public static SelectList ToSelectList() { ... }
Aaronaught's answer is really great, based on that I made the following implementation:
public class SelectList
public static IEnumerable<Enum> Of<T>() where T : struct, IConvertible
Type t = typeof(T);
if (t.IsEnum)
return Enum.GetValues(t).Cast<Enum>();
throw new ArgumentException("<T> must be an enumerated type.");
In my opinion it's a little bit safer, as you can - almost - call it only with Enums, and of course instead of the throw you can simply return null if you want an exception-free version.
I use 'Type' instead of 'Enum' to add extension. Then I can get any type of list back from the method. Here it returns string values:
public static string[] AllDescription(this Type enumType)
if (!enumType.IsEnum) return null;
var list = new List<string>();
var values = Enum.GetValues(enumType);
foreach (var item in values)
// add any combination of information to list here:
list.Add(string.Format("{0}", item));
//this one gets the values from the [Description] Attribute that I usually use to fill drop downs
//list.Add(((Enum) item).GetDescription());
return list.ToArray();
Later I could use this syntax to get what I want:
var listOfThings = typeof (Things).AllDescription();
@Aaronaught has a very good answer. To extend his answer, you can also even make it more generic. I have this in a global library...
public static IQueryable GetAllEnumValues<T>()
IQueryable retVal = null;
Type targetType = typeof(T);
retVal = Enum.GetValues(targetType).AsQueryable();
return retVal;
Now you have de-coupled this functionality from the SelectList class. So you can call this in your SelectList methods, or anywhere else for that matter.
public class SelectList
public static SelectList Of<T>
IQueryable enumValues = GetAllEnumValues<T>();
var values =
from Enum e in enumValues
select new { ID = e, Name = e.ToString() };
return new SelectList(values, "Id", "Name");
In my opinion, this is the cleanest way. Why?
- It works for any
- The extension method itself is cleaner.
- To call it you just add
and that's a small trade off (because it has to have an instance in order to work.
- You aren't passing
around and it literally won't compile if you try to use it with another type.
(new Things()).ToSelectList()
Extension Method:
public SelectList ToSelectList(System.Enum source)
var values = from Enum e in Enum.GetValues(source.GetType)
select new { ID = e, Name = e.ToString() };
return new SelectList(values, "Id", "Name");
The closest you can come, I think, is to dummy things up a bit to work like an enum without being one. Here's what I've come up with--it seems like a lot of work just to plop a static method on an enumeration, although I do understand the programming appeal of it:
public class PseudoEnum
public const int FirstValue = 1;
private static PseudoEnum FirstValueObject = new PseudoEnum(1);
public const int SecondValue = 2;
private static PseudoEnum SecondValueObject = new PseudoEnum(2);
private int intValue;
// This prevents instantation; note that we cannot mark the class static
private PseudoEnum() {}
private PseudoEnum(int _intValue)
intValue = _intValue;
public static implicit operator int(PseudoEnum i)
return i.intValue;
public static implicit operator PseudoEnum(int i)
switch (i)
case FirstValue :
return FirstValueObject;
case SecondValue :
return SecondValueObject;
throw new InvalidCastException();
public static void DoSomething(PseudoEnum pe)
switch (pe)
case PseudoEnum.FirstValue:
case PseudoEnum.SecondValue: