How to set up autoscaling RabbitMQ Cluster AWS

2019-03-09 09:45发布


I'm trying to move away from SQS to RabbitMQ for messaging service. I'm looking to build a stable high availability queuing service. For now I'm going with cluster.

Current Implementation , I have three EC2 machines with RabbitMQ with management plugin installed in a AMI , and then I explicitly go to each of the machine and add

sudo rabbitmqctl join_cluster rabbit@<hostnameOfParentMachine>

With HA property set to all and the synchronization works. And a load balancer on top it with a DNS assigned. So far this thing works.

Expected Implementation: Create an autoscaling clustered environment where the machines that go Up/Down has to join/Remove the cluster dynamically. What is the best way to achieve this? Please help.


I had a similar configuration 2 years ago.

I decided to use amazon VPC, by default my design had two RabbitMQ instances always running, and configured in cluster (called master-nodes). The rabbitmq cluster was behind an internal amazon load balancer.

I created an AMI with RabbitMQ and management plug-in configured (called “master-AMI”), and then I configured the autoscaling rules.

if an autoscaling alarm is raised a new master-AMI is launched. This AMI executes the follow script the first time is executed:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
import urllib2,base64

if __name__ == '__main__':
    prefix =''
    from subprocess import call
    call(["rabbitmqctl", "stop_app"])
    call(["rabbitmqctl", "reset"])
        _url = ''
        print prefix + 'Get json info from ..' + _url
        request = urllib2.Request(_url)

        base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % ('guest', 'guest')).replace('\n', '')
        request.add_header("Authorization", "Basic %s" % base64string)
        data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(request))
        ##if the script got an error here you can assume that it's the first machine and then 
        ## exit without controll the error. Remember to add the new machine to the balancer
        print prefix + 'request ok... finding for running node'

        for r in data:
            if r.get('running'):
                print prefix + 'found running node to bind..'
                print prefix + 'node name: '+ r.get('name') +'- running:' + str(r.get('running'))
                from subprocess import call
                call(["rabbitmqctl", "join_cluster",r.get('name')])
    except Exception, e:
        print prefix + 'error during add node'
        from subprocess import call
        call(["rabbitmqctl", "start_app"])


The scripts uses the HTTP API “” to find nodes, then choose one and binds the new AMI to the cluster.

As HA policy I decided to use this:

rabbitmqctl set_policy ha-two "^two\." ^

Well, the join is “quite” easy, the problem is decide when you can remove the node from the cluster.

You can’t remove a node based on autoscaling rule, because you can have messages to the queues that you have to consume.

I decided to execute a script periodically running to the two master-node instances that:

  • checks the messages count through the API http://node:15672/api/queues
  • if the messages count for all queue is zero, I can remove the instance from the load balancer and then from the rabbitmq cluster.

This is broadly what I did, hope it helps.


I edited the answer, since there is this plugin that can help:

I suggest to see this:

The plugin has been moved to the official RabbitMQ repository, and can easly solve this kind of the problems


We recently had similar problem.

We tried to use but found it overcomplicated for our use case.

I created terraform configuration to spin X RabbitMQ nodes on Y subnets (availability zones) using Autoscaling Group.


The configuration creates IAM role to allow nodes to autodiscover all other nodes in the Autoscaling Group.