Has anyone tried using the download handler in R Shiny to download a freshly created Excel file with XLConnect?
In the ui.R there is the unremarkable line:
downloadButton('downloadData', 'Download')
In the server.R there is the handler:
output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() { "output.xlsx" },
content = function(file){
wb <- loadWorkbook(file, create = TRUE)
createSheet(wb, name = "Sheet1")
writeWorksheet(wb, c(1:3), sheet = "Sheet1") # writes numbers 1:3 in file
I have no problem downloading a .csv and no problem creating the excel file with XLConnect. But when I run the code as above I get the following error in my Chrome browser:
IllegalArgumentException (Java): File extension "file1b683b9323bc" not supported! Only *.xls and *.xlsx are allowed!
As far as I can see, XLConnect cannot write to a temporary file.
Has anyone got a solution or workaround?
One option would be to save the file in a specific location and then creating a download link pointing to it. However, this is not very Shiny-esque as multiple users would cause havok.
Many Thanks