Here is an exercise in the Algorithm Design Manual.
Consider the problem of determining whether a given undirected graph G
= (V, E) contains a triangle or cycle of length 3.
(a) Give an O(|V |^3) to find a triangle if one exists.
(b) Improve
your algorithm to run in time O(|V |·|E|). You may assume |V | ≤ |E|.
Observe that these bounds gives you time to convert between the
adjacency matrix and adjacency list representations of G.
Here is my thoughts:
(a) If the graph is given as an adjacency list, I can convert the list to matrix by O(|V|^2). then I do:
for (int i = 0;i < n;i++)
for (int j = i+1;j < n;j++)
if (matrix[i][j] == 1)
for (int k = j+1;k < n;k++)
if (matrix[i][k] == 1 && matrix[j][k] == 1)
return true;
This should give a O(|V|^3) to test the triangle.
(b) My first intuitive is that if the graph is given as an adjacency list, then I will do a bfs. Whenever a cross edge is found, for example, if y-x is a cross edge
, then i will check whether parent[y] == parent[x], if true, then a triangle is found
Could anyone tell me whether my thinking is correct or not?
Also for this (b), I am not sure its complexity. Should it be O(|V| + |E|), right?
How can I do it in O(|V|*|E|)?
A possible O(|V||E|)
solution, is the same idea of the brute-force in (a):
for each edge (u, v):
for each vertex w:
if (v, w) is an edge and (w, u) is an edge:
return true
return false
check all edges, and not all vertices pairs - with another vertex that forms a triangle - it is enough information to determine if the edge and vertex form a feasible solution.
Counter example to BFS solution:
/ | \
/ | \
| | |
| | |
| |
(F, H) is also an edge
Note that father[F] != father[G] != father[H]
, thus the algorithm will return false - but nevertheless, (F, G, H) is a feasible solution!
If you have an adjacency matrix, you can find triangles by squaring the matrix and seeing if the original matrix and square matrix have a non-zero entry in the same place.
A naive matrix multiplication takes time O(n^3)
, but there are fast matrix multiplication algorithms that do better. One of the best known is the Coppersmith-Winograd algorithm, which runs in O(n^2.4)
time. That means the algorithm goes something like:
- Use
time to convert to an adjacency matrix.
- Use
time to compute the square of the adjacency matrix.
- Use
time to check over the matrices for coinciding non-zero entries.
- The index of the row and column where you find coinciding non-zero entries in (if any) tell you two of the involved nodes.
- Use
time to narrow down the third node common to both the known nodes.
So overall this takes O(V^2.4)
time; more precisely it takes however long matrix multiplication takes. You can dynamically switch between this algorithm and the if-any-edge-end-points-have-a-common-neighbor algorithm that amit explains in their answer to improve that to O(V min(V^1.4, E))
Here's a paper that goes more in-depth into the problem.
It's kind of neat how dependent-on-theoretical-discoveries this problem is.
If conjectures about matrix multiplication actually being quadratic turn out to be true, then you would get a really nice time bound of O(V^2)
or O(V^2 log(V))
or something like that. But if quantum computers work out, we'll be able to do even better than that (something like O(V^1.3)
Here is what I think :
The origianl BFS solution is incorrect as pointed above. But we can modify the DFS. Assign numbers to the nodes visited as we visit each vertex in the DFS. Now, if we reach a vertex( in the question I saw cross edges, there are none in an undirected graph), we check its adjacency list and suppose one vertex is discovered(but not processed, cannot happen), then we check its number. If the difference is 2 then there is a cycle of length 3.
I really like the matrix multiplication solution discussed in this blog post.
Let a = the adjacency matrix
- The adjacencies in a*a (a2) matrix multiplied are the numbers of 2-length paths
- The adjacencies in a2*a matrix multiplied are the numbers of 3-length paths
The problem is, matrix multiplication is slow... However, you can use GPGPU to perform matrix multiplication and can have a performant solution on modern architectures that include a GPU.