I wanted to create a simple Thrift server for C++ and provide a client with Python language. I went to the official site but it lacks any good tutorials or documentation. I am having difficulty trying it out.
Is there any good Apache Thrift tutorial for a totally new person?
Thrift: The Missing Guide is very useful to begin with.
I have put together a 7-part tutorial for Thrift in my blog. The link to the first part of the article is below:
The archive of standard distribution contains the Calculator tutorial pointed by @vladaman.
The documentation isn't quite well organized, but there are plenty of info at http://wiki.apache.org/thrift/. Take a look at "Thrift Whitepaper" and "Thrift: The Missing Guide".
Another useful overview of Thrift can be found at http://jnb.ociweb.com/jnb/jnbJun2009.html