I can't understand the implementation of a while loop in android.
Whenever I implement a while loop inside the onCreate()
bundle, (code shown below)
public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
while (testByte == 0)
nothing boots up, and the program enters a "hanging" state after a while and I can't understand why. Testbyte is as follows:
byte testByte == 0;
and updateAuto()
is supposed to update the code per 1 second and display inside the textView portion. I've been using setText inside updateAuto() as shown below and everything works fine, but once i implement the while loop all i see is a black screen and then an option to force close after a few seconds due to it "not responding".
I've changed it to a button format (meaning i have to click on the button to update itself for now), but i want it to update itself instead of manually clicking it.
Am i implementing the while loop in a wrong way?
I've also tried calling the while loop in a seperate function but it still gives me the black screen of nothingness.
I've been reading something about a Handler service... what does it do? Can the Handler service update my TextView
in a safer or memory efficient way?
Many thanks if anyone would give some pointers on what i should do on this.