I was trying to use underscore.js templates for templating in a rails 2.3 app which does not have jammit as an asset packager.
Here is the simple Template:
<script type="text/template" id="q-template">
<div class="current-body">
<span class="q-index"><%= title %></span>
<span class-"q-text"><%= body %></span>
Rails tries to parse these as erb variables and throws an ArgumentError. How do I get underscore templates to play nicely with rails in this case? Where am I going wrong?
Use some other delimiters instead of <%= %>
. For example, to use mustache-style brackets {{= }}
(interpolate) and {{ }}
(evaluate), add this somewhere to your javascript:
_.templateSettings = {
interpolate: /\{\{\=(.+?)\}\}/g,
evaluate: /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g
If you don't want to change the template settings across your entire project...
Escape the ERB tags: <%=
becomes <%%=
<script type="text/template" id="q-template">
<div class="current-body">
<span class="q-index"><%%= title %></span>
<span class-"q-text"><%%= body %></span>
Note that the closing tag is still %>
, not %%>
Side note - I also tried outputting using a heredoc. The following code runs successfully but outputs a bunch of erb source code that gets caught between the heredoc
<script type="text/template" id="q-template">
<%= <<-heredoc %>
<div class="current-body">
<span class="q-index"><%%= title %></span>
<span class-"q-text"><%%= body %></span>