Rails 100% newb issue - send() method

2019-03-08 19:10发布


Could someone please help me to understand what the 'send()' method listed below is used for? The code below, when I am reading it, makes no sense what purpose it's serving.

It's a Rails app using Ruby 1.8.7 with Rails 1.2.3. Please don't harp on me about upgrading, it's a client's environment, so I don't have that sort of leisure.

Needless to say though, the statement I am referring to is like this;

def do_schedule
  @performance = Performance.new(params[:performance])
  @performer = Performer.find(params[:performer_id])
  selected_track = params[:selected_track]
  if FileTest.exists?(File.expand_path(@performer.photo))
    @performance.photo = File.open(File.expand_path(@performer.photo))

  @performance.audio = File.open(File.expand_path(@performer.send(selected_track)))

  if @performance.save
    flash[:notice] = 'Performer scheduled.'
    redirect_to :controller => :performer, :action => :index
    render :action => 'schedule'

Performer Model

class Performer < ActiveRecord::Base
  file_column :audio_one
  file_column :audio_two
  file_column :audio_three
  file_column :photo

  belongs_to :festival
  validates_presence_of :name, :first_name, :last_name, :address, :city, :state, :zip, :daytime_phone, :availability, :stages
  validates_format_of :email, :with => /\A([^@\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\.)+[a-z]{2,})\Z/i
  validates_confirmation_of :email

  validates_presence_of :audio_one, :audio_two, :audio_three, :photo, :if => :submitted

  after_create :salt_access_key
  serialize :availability
  serialize :stages

  attr_accessor :other_type_of_music
  before_save :set_other_type

  def set_other_type
    if type_of_music == 'Other'
      self.type_of_music = "Other - #{other_type_of_music}" unless other_type_of_music.blank?

  def salt_access_key
    update_attribute(:access_key, Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("--#{self.id}--#{self.name}--#{self.festival.year}"))

  def preferred_stages
    stages = []
    festival = Festival.find(self.festival_id.to_i)
    self.stages.collect { | key, value |
      id = key.gsub(/[\D]/, '').to_i
      if id > 0
        stages << festival.performance_stages.find(id).name
    return stages

The controller that this is contained in is Performance. I have been scouring Google trying to figure out what purpose that '@performer.send(selected_track)' is actually doing, but feel like I'm rowing against a whirlpool.

Can someone please help me make better sense out of this?



The Ruby implementation for the send method, which is used to send a method message to an object, works like this:

class Car

  def start
    puts "vroom"


  def engine_temp
    puts "Just Right"


@car = Car.new
@car.start # output: vroom
@car.send(:start) # output: vroom

That's the basics, an additional piece of important information is that send will allow you you send in messages to PRIVATE methods, not just public ones.

@car.engine_temp  # This doesn't work, it will raise an exception
@car.send(:engine_temp)  # output: Just Right

As for what your specific send call will do, more than likely there is a def method_missing in the Performer class that is setup to catch that and perform some action.

Hope this helps, good luck!


send is used to pass a method (and arguments) to an object. It's really handy when you don't know in advance the name of the method, because it's represented as a mere string or symbol.

Ex: Performer.find(params[:performer_id]) is the same as Performer.send(:find, params[:performer_id])

Beware here because relying on params when using send could be dangerous: what if users pass destroy or delete? It would actually delete your object.


The send method is the equivalent of calling the given method on the object. So if the selected_track variable has a value of 1234, then @performer.send(selected_track) is the same as @performer.1234. Or, if selected_track is "a_whiter_shade_of_pale" then it's like calling @performer.a_whiter_shade_of_pale.

Presumably, then, the Performer class overrides method_missing such that you can call it with any track (name or ID, it isn't clear from the above), and it will interpret that as a search for that track within that performer's tracks.