When I use Idea's embedded command prompt in the tools window I can only see 75 characters. The chars are there but they are not visible:
C:>echo "This is the sentence I want to show you but I get only 75 characters h
"This is the sentence I want to show you but I get only 75 characters here"
Neither have I found any setting for this, nor have I found someone with the same problem by googling
Idea version is 13.1.13 on Windows 7 with jdk 1.7x
Outside idea, cmd.exe's (Version 6.1.7601) configuration is not limiting anything to 75
This is a known bug: IDEA-117552 Terminal output truncated to 80 symbols
Happens on my system, too (JDK 1.7, Windows 7, 32bit).
If line length matters (not for me), you can set the terminal floating and reduce its horizontal size. Then it works.
Notice: since IDEA 2016.3.2 this breaks the terminal and is not required anymore. So just delete it when you update to a version it cannot create the Terminal.
For windows change the terminal shell path (File->Settings->Tools->Terminal) from cmd.exe
cmd.exe "/K mode con:cols=500 lines=9999&cmd.exe"
or if using the bash for windows subsystem:
cmd.exe "/K set LINES=9999&C:\windows\system32\bash.exe"
as described in the bug description (https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-117552)
Edit: wrap /K in quotes as well!