What I understood from the available documentation and my testing is that
All existing Apps on iPhone 6 and 6 Plus run in compatibility mode,
which means the APIs (like [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds) will
return 320x568 (iPhone 5/5s) still in new iPhones (6/6 Plus) and
all UI is scaled to the correct resolution by iOS.
To support iPhone 6/6Plus we need to create xib for Launch Screen
(File->New->File->UserInterace->Launch Screen) and set the nib file
as "Launch Screen File".
We can set different images for launch screen inside Launch screen nib file based
on avaialble size classes. [Basically combinations of Any, regular
and compact]
There is no way to differentiate between iPad in portrait and iPad
in Landscape orientation (both are regular width regular height).
Also there no way to differentiate between iPhone 4/4s and iPhone
Is there a way I can support iPhone 6/6 Plus mode and also provide different launch images for iPad in portrait and iPad in landscape orientation?
See also the similar problem here iOS 8 size classes for iPad landscape
You don´t have to use the launch screen file to make your App iPhone 6 / 6+ resolution compatible. Instead, you can select the LaunchImage asset as your Launch Images Source.
It can be found at "App Icons and Launch Images" under your Targets:
If there is no LaunchImage asset just go to your Images.xcassets, make a secondary click (right click) and select "New Launch Image":
The result is something like that:
Now just drag and drop your images for the specific resolutions you want to support and set the created LaunchImage asset as your source.
Hope it helps
Asset catalogues currently work in landscape mode on iPhone on ios8. I had this reponse from apple support:
"There is a bug involving launch images in asset catalogs and apps
that launch in landscape on iPhone. Behind the scenes, the asset
catalog compiler generates the same UILaunchImages key [1] in the
final Info.plist that you would have added when you were specifying
launch images manually. One of the sub-keys for each launch image
specified under the UILaunchImages key is UILaunchImageOrientation
which is always set to Portrait by the asset catalog compiler. This
makes sense because apps on iPhone always launch in portrait
orientation [2]. However, the iOS app launcher decides that since
your UISupportedInterfaceOrientations only contains
UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft and
UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight, it will only look for landscape
launch images under the UILaunchImages key, of which it finds none.
Since there is no way to force the assets catalog compiler to specify
for the UILaunchImageOrientation
sub-key of iPhone
launch images, you should continue to specify your launch images by
editing the information property list for your app as before."