I'm receiving a Pylint error regarding my constant: MIN_SOIL_PARTICLE_DENS
(invalid name).
Any ideas why this constant is wrong? Here's my full function:
def bulk_density(clay, sand, organic_matter):
x1 = (0.078 + 0.278 * sand + 0.034 * clay + 0.022 * organic_matter - 0.018
* sand * organic_matter - 0.027 * clay * organic_matter - 0.584 * sand
* clay)
x2 = -0.107 + 1.636 * x1
field_capacity = vol_water_content_33_j_kg(clay, sand, organic_matter)#m3/m3
sat_water_content = 0.043 + field_capacity + x2 - 0.097 * sand
return (1 - sat_water_content) * MIN_SOIL_PARTICLE_DENS
When checking names, Pylint differentiates between constants, variables, classes etc. Any name that is not inside a function/class will be considered a constant, anything else is a variable.
See http://docs.pylint.org/features.html#basic-checker
Because you're in a function, MIN_SOIL_PARTICLE_DENS
is (according to pylint) supposed to be a variable, pylint however treats it as a constant and therefore complains.
This means you can't have any uppercase names inside functions without pylint complaining.
If you ask me, using uppercase inside functions is fine; not all constants are necessarily defined globally.
Few simple rules :
- Constants should be defined with
letters only and should be defined at the module level
- Class names should be defined with
- Variables should be defined at
and should be defined inside function, classes etc.
Now lets talk about your case,
is defined inside a function and should have lower letters only. Thus instead of considering MIN_SOIL_PARTICLE_DENS
as a constant, pylint considers it as a variable here and hence the pylint error.
Pylint Tutorial