I'm using rails 3.2.1 with jQuery for an ajax call.
My jQuery code is :
url: "/org_pages",
data: 'org_id='+ org_id,
type: "POST",
success: function(result){
jQuery("#image_center").html("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => 'pages/top_link')) %>");
error: function(){
alert('Error occured');
My problem is on the web page the output is showing this :
<%= render :partial => 'pages/top_link', :collection=>@pages %>
How it should display my render partial page. :(
try by rendering the partial from the controller as,
def method_name
render :partial => 'some_partial'
and in js,
success: function(result){
create a js.erb file corresponding to that action and inside that paste the following:
jQuery("#image_center").html("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => 'pages/top_link')) %>");
You could create this file : /app/views/org_pages/index.js.erb and put this in your file :
jQuery("#image_center").html("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial => 'pages/top_link')) %>");
This code will be rendered and executed on success.