I want to know how to add a remote git repo via intelliJ, not through the git bash. Now, from what I've seen in this tutorial, it can be done, but whenever I try to push, the dialogue never comes up. If you push to the very bottom, you can see that it can be done in probably a previous version of IntelliJ. How can you do it with version 12 or rather PyCharm 2.6?
UPDATE: this feature is available since 2016.3 version.
| Git
| Remotes
| Add
Original answer:
You can choose from the existing remotes, but you can't add new remotes from the UI, there is a feature request:
- IDEA-87099 Provide ability to add remote repositories to local git repository
The workaround, for those new to Git is to use the commandline and add a remote like so:
git remote add remoteName remoteUrl
After that, the remote will show up in the pull dialog in Intellij, but it won't show any branches until you do a fetch, like so:
git fetch remoteName
If you want a menu entry, I think for now the easiest workaround is to create an "external tool" menu entry (Preferences -> Tools -> External Tools -> Add) in IntelliJ or Pycharm. I've created one that calls '/usr/bin/git' with 'remote add origin $Prompt$' (which opens a prompt window asking for the remote git URL) and the current dir field left blank. This works great for my workflow (create local git repository, later push it to a new remote one).
This isn't possible in PyCharm (for now), but if you'd like to use a GUI tool instead of the console, I would recommend SourceTree (free to use).
Once set up in SourceTree (Repository
-> Add Remote
), it will be visible and usable in PyCharm as well.