Gradle location is incorrect error while importing

2019-03-08 12:35发布


I'm also trying to import the ABS in new updated Android Studio. I'm following this tutorial.

but on step Adding Action Bar Sherlock library to Android Studio im getting the error

Gradle Location is incorrect. here is pic.

When I go to the path C:\Users\Sir John Qadir\ there is no any gradle1.6 folder in there. How to resolve this?


Try using this path:

For Windows

C:\Users\MyHome\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-1.6-bin\<some random folder>\gradle-1.6

For UNIX (Debian, Mac etc.)

~\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-<a-version>-<bin or all>\<some random folder>\gradle-<a-version>


If you have installed your gradle with brew then it would be:



Point to the folder <gradle root folder>/libexec. Things should start working.


When using homebrew, instead of (as suggested in other answers):


It's better to use:


It's a symlink and will survive brew upgrade.


Create a build.gradle with:

task getHomeDir << {
    println gradle.gradleHomeDir

Then run it with:

gradle getHomeDir

You should see something like:


You can use that to populate the Gradle plugin, and you’re off.


If you use brew to install gradle on mac, then use /usr/local/Cellar/gradle/4.0.1/libexec