To edit files from terminal I use subl (for sublime text) in order to edit the file; example: If i need to edit app.js file I use subl app.js Is there any way I can set up webstorm to open from the terminal ?
- Try in terminal 'wstorm' and 'webstorm'
- If the commands don't work you can run in WebStorm:
"Tools" -> "Create Command Line Launcher..."
Note: The solution works only for Linux / MacOS
Update January 2016 using Webstorm 11.0.3 on mac os x
There was no option as described in the accepted answer.
Instead, just use the already installed command line binary wstorm designed for this purpose. Location shown below:
If you actually wish to open webstorm and have it load the contents of the current working directory for example, then place a .
after the command:
wstorm .
Noted, others had made similar comments in this answers section, and wished to clarify the situation.
I also downloaded WebStorm and wanted to use a similar shortcut to open files directly from the terminal.
I was surprised to find I already had a shortcut in my command line tools for webstorm:
subl is to Sublime as wstorm is to Webstorm.
Otherwise, as anstarovoyt has kindly pointed out, you can simply create your own shortcut via "Tools" > "Create Command Line Launcher"
Another way to do that:
open -a /Applications/ #Open last project
open -a /Applications/ Desktop #Open particular folder
open -a /Applications/ Desktop myscript.js #Open particular file
You can add alias to your config file:
#Edit your config:
vim ~/.bashrc
#add line:
alias ws='open -a /Applications/'
#Read your config file:
source ~/.bashrc
Now you can use it:
ws . myscript.js
I know this is an older thread, but trying to achieve this using Windows was kind of a pain and I wasn't able to find anything specifically designed for my purposes. I created a Bash function that you can add as an alias (for Git Bash on Windows) that works similar to the command line functions in Visual Studio Code.
Here's the link to the Gist.
If you change the integrated terminal in WebStorm to Git Bash (instructions included in the Gist), you can perform the following actions:
Create a new file in the current working directory and open it in the editor:
wstorm foo.js
Create a new file in an existing relative path and open it in the editor:
wstorm foo/bar.js
This also works with subdirectories that don't exist:
wstorm this/path/doesnt/exist/file.js
If you're working in a Git Bash terminal (not in WebStorm) and want to open WebStorm up in the current directory, you can open it similar to Visual Studio Code:
wstorm .
Note: This needs to be done in a directory with a .idea
In Ubuntu terminal type:
Note: please see your WebStorm build version, code mine is 129.664
In the terminal, while being in the given project folder:
webstorm .
The wstorm command didn't work in my Git bash, so I added the following function to my .bash_profile instead:
wstorm() {
/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/JetBrains/WebStorm\ 2016.2.2/bin/WebStorm.exe $PWD/$1
After setting up WebStorm to create the cli launcher you actually want to run
wstorm . &
to run the IntelliJ on the background otherwise IntelliJ closes if you happen to close the terminal you have launched the app from.
In WebStorm IDE, click
and typeCreate Command Line Launcher
then clickOK
from luncher script promote .cd project_folder_path using terminal and type
webstorm ./
that is not for Windows OS
I am running Windows 10 and whipped up a batch file (ws.bat) that implements this with optional command line argument for path to load).
:: place this batch file in your path and set to your WS EXE
:: ref:
:: author:
@echo off
set target=%1
if defined target (goto passedarg) else (goto noarg)
echo Starting WebStorm with '%target%'
"C:\Program Files\JetBrains\WebStorm 2018.3.2\bin\webstorm.exe" %target%
echo Starting WebStorm with 'Current Dir'
"C:\Program Files\JetBrains\WebStorm 2018.3.2\bin\webstorm.exe" .
Pretty simple but it works.