Does anyone knows how to build a flip animation like the flipboard app? Thanks
If you mean the page flip transition, have a look at the OpenGL transition class I wrote.
I added a couple of example transitions and one of them are a "page flip" transition.
Have a look at FlipView, it tries to replicate Flipboard app for iPad
Some of the features implemented are:
Multiple flip (just click on last pagination if u r at first or second for multi-flip).
Views arrangement if orientation changed like Flipboard
Selection of random layout
Hopefully this link is of some help to you :D
I remember from watching an interview with the CEO saying that all the flipping boards and the animations are done using HTML5! I can not find it now sorry :(
I managed to find the non-broken link to FlipView example on github:
Hope it helps
I've been looking for the same for weeks. If you use the 'origami' transition in the ipad's photo app, you'll see that it has a very similar flipboard effect. Though someone with much more programming chops can probably give you the specifics, I think they use core animation. In it, you can define the anchor point and basically transform the uiview along the z axis.