Testing routers in backbone.js properly?

2019-03-08 10:26发布


So I've just started to write tests for my in-progress javascript app, using sinon.js & jasmine.js. Works pretty well overall, but I need to also be able to test my routers.

The routers, in their current state, will trigger an number of views and other stuff, terminating the current jasmine.js test by invoking Backbone.navigate dependent on application state and UI itneraction.

So how could I test that routing to different locations would work, while keeping the routers "sandboxed" and not allowing them to change route?

Can I set up some sort of mock function that will monitor pushState changes or similar?


Here's a low-levelish way of doing it with jasmine, testing that pushState works as expected and that your router sets up things properly... I assume a router that has been initialized and has a home route mapped to ''. You can adapt this for your other routes. I also assume you've done in your app initialization a Backbone.history.start({ pushState: true });

    describe('app.Router', function () {

        var router = app.router, pushStateSpy;

        it('has a "home" route', function () {

        it('triggers the "home" route', function () {
            var home = spyOn(router, 'home').andCallThrough();
            pushStateSpy = spyOn(window.history, 'pushState').andCallFake(function (data, title, url) {

You can effectively achieve similar things by doing Backbone.history.stop(); it's meant for this reason.

UPDATE: Browsers with no pushState:

This of course will work fine if your browser you test on has support for pushState. If you test against browsers that don't, you can conditionally test as follows:

it('triggers the "home" route', function () {
    var home = spyOn(router, 'home').andCallThrough();

    if (Backbone.history._hasPushState) {
        pushStateSpy = spyOn(window.history, 'pushState').andCallFake(function (data, title, url) {
        router.navigate('', {trigger: true});

    } else if (Backbone.history._wantsHashChange) {
        var updateHashSpy = spyOn(Backbone.history, '_updateHash').andCallFake(function (loc, frag) {
        router.navigate('', {trigger: true});

If you are on IE6, good luck.


When I'm testing a backbone router, what I care about is that the routes I provided are invoking the functions I specify with the correct arguments. A lot of the other answers here aren't really testing that.

If you need to test the functionality of some routes, you can test those functions by themselves.

Assuming you have a simple router:

App.Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
  routes: {
  index: {
    //render some template
  item: {
    //render some other template, or redirect, or _whatever_

Here's how I do it:

describe('Router', function() {

  var trigger = {trigger: true};
  var router

  beforeEach(function() {
    // This is the trick, right here:
    // The Backbone history code dodges our spies
    // unless we set them up exactly like this:
    Backbone.history.stop(); //stop the router
    spyOn(Router.prototype, 'index'); //spy on our routes, and they won't get called
    spyOn(Router.prototype, 'route2'); 

    router = new App.Router(); // Set up the spies _before_ creating the router

  it('empty route routes to index', function(){
    Backbone.history.navigate('', trigger);

  it('/ routes to index', function(){
    router.navigate('/', trigger);

  it('/item routes to item with id', function(){
    router.navigate('/item/someId', trigger);


Here's what I ended up using myself. I made a mock version of the router by extending it and overriding the methods with a blank method to prevent it from invoking any further logic when being called:

describe("routers/main", function() {

    beforeEach(function() {

        // Create a mock version of our router by extending it and only overriding
        // the methods
        var mockRouter = App.Routers["Main"].extend({
            index: function() {},
            login: function() {},
            logoff: function() {}

        // Set up a spy and invoke the router
        this.routeSpy = sinon.spy();
        this.router = new mockRouter;

        // Prevent history.start from throwing error
        try {
            Backbone.history.start({silent:true, pushState:true});
        } catch(e) {


        // Reset URL

        // Reset URL

    it('Has the right amount of routes', function() {

    it('/ -route exists and points to the right method', function () {

    it("Can navigate to /", function() {
        this.router.bind("route:index", this.routeSpy);
        this.router.navigate("", true);


Note that sinon.js is used above to create the spy, along with underscore.js to provide the size function.


There is a very good tutorial about testing backbone:



You have to mock Backbone.Router.route which is the function that is internally used to bind the functions on to Backbone.History.

Thats the original function:

route : function(route, name, callback) {
  Backbone.history || (Backbone.history = new Backbone.History);
  if (!_.isRegExp(route)) route = this._routeToRegExp(route);
  Backbone.history.route(route, _.bind(function(fragment) {
    var args = this._extractParameters(route, fragment);
    callback.apply(this, args);
    this.trigger.apply(this, ['route:' + name].concat(args));
  }, this));

you could to something like this, which simply call the functions when the router will be initialized:

Backbone.Router.route = function(route, name, callback) {

You could also save the callbacks in a object and with the route as name and call same steps by step:

var map = {}
Backbone.Router.route = function(route, name, callback) {
    map[route] = callback();

for(i in map){


I started out using ggozad's solution of spying on _updateHash which partially worked for me. However, I discovered that my tests were confused because the hash never updated, so code that relied upon calls to getHash or getFragment were failing.

What I ended up with is the following helper function that spies on both _updateHash and getHash. The former records the request to update the hash, and the latter returns the last hash that was passed to _updateHash. I call this helper function in my tests before I start the Backbone history.

     * Prevent Backbone tests from changing the browser's URL.
     * This function modifies Backbone so that tests can navigate
     * without modifying the browser's URL. It works be adding
     * stub versions of Backbone's hash functions so that updating
     * the hash doesn't change the URL but instead updates a
     * local object. The router's callbacks are still invoked
     * so that to the test it appears that navigation is behaving
     * as expected.
     * Note: it is important that tests don't update the browser's
     * URL because subsequent tests could find themselves in an
     * unexpected navigation state.
    preventBackboneChangingUrl = function() {
        var history = {
            currentFragment: ''

        // Stub out the Backbone router so that the browser doesn't actually navigate
        spyOn(Backbone.history, '_updateHash').andCallFake(function (location, fragment, replace) {
            history.currentFragment = fragment;

        // Stub out getHash so that Backbone thinks that the browser has navigated
        spyOn(Backbone.history, 'getHash').andCallFake(function () {
            return history.currentFragment;