I'm setting up a public site and the first thing on my mind is SQL injection. I have some text fields I'm saving and am using linq to update/write to the database. Am I safe using linq?
This example is creating the user account.
Data.MemberRegistrationDataContext context = new MemberRegistrationDataContext();
Data.tbl_Member_UserProfile profile = new tbl_Member_UserProfile();
profile.SSN = Convert.ToDecimal(Session["tempMemberSSN_Registration"]);
profile.UserName = userName;
profile.Password = password;
profile.EmailAddress = email;
profile.QuestionID = qID;
profile.QuestionResponse = securityAnswer;
profile.LastModDt = DateTime.Now;
profile.LastModBy = "web";
This example is changing the password
MemberRegistrationDataContext dc = new MemberRegistrationDataContext();
var mProfileRecord = dc.tbl_Member_UserProfiles.Single(c => c.SSN == sSSN);
mProfileRecord.Password = sNewPassword;
Are these safe? Does LINQ parameterize the SQL it generates automatically?