I have tab delimited files with several columns. I want to count the frequency of occurrence of the different values in a column for all the files in a folder and sort them in decreasing order of count (highest count first). How would I accomplish this in a Linux command line environment?
It can use any common command line language like awk, perl, python etc.
To see a frequency count for column two (for example):
awk -F '\t' '{print $2}' * | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
z z a
a b c
w d e
t r e
z d a
a g c
z r a
v d c
a m c
3 d
2 r
1 z
1 m
1 g
1 b
Here is a way to do it in the shell:
cut -f $FIELD * | sort| uniq -c |sort -nr
This is the sort of thing bash is great at.
The GNU site suggests this nice awk script, which prints both the words and their frequency.
Possible changes:
- You can pipe through
sort -nr
(and reverse word
and freq[word]
) to see the result in descending order.
- If you want a specific column, you can omit the for loop and simply write
- replace 3 with the column number.
Here goes:
# wordfreq.awk --- print list of word frequencies
$0 = tolower($0) # remove case distinctions
# remove punctuation
gsub(/[^[:alnum:]_[:blank:]]/, "", $0)
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
for (word in freq)
printf "%s\t%d\n", word, freq[word]
This code computes the occurrences of all columns, and prints a sorted report for each of them:
# columnvalues.pl
while (<>) {
@Fields = split /\s+/;
for $i ( 0 .. $#Fields ) {
for $j ( 0 .. $#result ) {
print "column $j:\n";
@values = keys %{$result[$j]};
@sorted = sort { $result[$j]{$b} <=> $result[$j]{$a} || $a cmp $b } @values;
for $k ( @sorted ) {
print " $k $result[$j]{$k}\n"
Save the text as columnvalues.pl
Run it as: perl columnvalues.pl files*
In the top-level while loop:
* Loop over each line of the combined input files
* Split the line into the @Fields array
* For every column, increment the result array-of-hashes data structure
In the top-level for loop:
* Loop over the result array
* Print the column number
* Get the values used in that column
* Sort the values by the number of occurrences
* Secondary sort based on the value (for example b vs g vs m vs z)
* Iterate through the result hash, using the sorted list
* Print the value and number of each occurrence
Results based on the sample input files provided by @Dennis
column 0:
a 3
z 3
t 1
v 1
w 1
column 1:
d 3
r 2
b 1
g 1
m 1
z 1
column 2:
c 4
a 3
e 2
.csv input
If your input files are .csv, change /\s+/
to /,/
In an ugly contest, Perl is particularly well equipped.
This one-liner does the same:
perl -lane 'for $i (0..$#F){$g[$i]{$F[$i]}++};END{for $j (0..$#g){print "$j:";for $k (sort{$g[$j]{$b}<=>$g[$j]{$a}||$a cmp $b} keys %{$g[$j]}){print " $k $g[$j]{$k}"}}}' files*
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
Dir["*"].each do |file|
open(file).each do |row|
row.chomp.split("\t").each do |w|
h[ w ] += 1
h.sort{|a,b| b[1]<=>a[1] }.each{|x,y| print "#{x}:#{y}\n" }