I have an Elastic Beanstalk app and environment already setup. I've just downloaded the Dev Tools CLI/eb on Windows, and would like to use eb
to push to said environment.
If I use eb init
, I have to create a new EB app and environment.
How do I initialize the git repo to an existing EB app and environment?
The way I ended up doing this was:
1) Download AWSDevTools from http://aws.amazon.com/developertools/AWS-Elastic-Beanstalk/6752709412171743
2) Move to your git repo on the CLI
3) Run /Downloads/elasticbeanstalk-cli/AWSDevTools/[Linux or Windows]
EDIT: 3a) git aws.config
4) Enter AWS Access Key, AWS Secret Key, AWS Region, and enter the existing name of your AWS Application and AWS Environment.
5) Now you can git add, git commit as usual, and use git aws.push to push to your EB environment
7) You can follow the steps above to add other environments. For example if you had production and staging environments, and then use git aws.push --environment to use the same repo to push to both environments.
If you come across the error The specified module 'AWSDevTools' was not loaded
on Windows, this is most likely because the AWSDevTools module is not at C:\Users\ USER
If you installed with brew install aws-elasticbeanstalk
you can find the script at /usr/local/Cellar/aws-elasticbeanstalk/2.5.1/libexec/AWSDevTools/Linux/AWSDevTools-RepositorySetup.sh
After you ran it you need to run git aws.config
Install the EB CLI version 3 or later:
Then run
eb init
Version 3 of the CLI lets you attach a git repo to an existing environment via init.