Possible Duplicate:
Can you animate a height change on a UITableViewCell when selected?
I have a table view into which where you click on a swich into a cell, many cells of the table view may change their height. It's a little bit complicated to compute which cells will change their size, so I'd like not to call twice the same code.
I have a heightForRowAtIndexPath
method (this is the complicated one).
Is there a way to animate the cell grow or reduce feature without impacting the one that does not change ?
I've tried UIView
Animations, reloadData for sections with animation, ... but I didn't find anything smooth.
I've tried to catch each cell that will have to change and call a reloadData with animation on each cell. It's near to work but the cells are updating one after the other. And as I said before, I don't want to do that because I must call twice the heightForRowAtIndexPath method.
What I'd like is something that can animated each cell that has a changing height with somthing like a grow or reduce movement, and not a fade one.
Do you know a way to do that ? One more thing, the content of the cell is changing a little bit when size change (some text added, back color changing, and things like that)