The C++ Standards Committee tends to shy away from adding new keywords to the language, yet with C++11 that was not the case. Some examples:
auto // New usage
Are there any new keywords introduced with C++14?
Table 4 (Keywords) in N3936 (C++14):
alignas continue friend register true
alignof decltype goto reinterpret_cast try
asm default if return typedef
auto delete inline short typeid
bool do int signed typename
break double long sizeof union
case dynamic_cast mutable static unsigned
catch else namespace static_assert using
char enum new static_cast virtual
char16_t explicit noexcept struct void
char32_t export nullptr switch volatile
class extern operator template wchar_t
const false private this while
constexpr float protected thread_local
const_cast for public throw
Table 4 in N3337 (C++11):
alignas continue friend register true
alignof decltype goto reinterpret_cast try
asm default if return typedef
auto delete inline short typeid
bool do int signed typename
break double long sizeof union
case dynamic_cast mutable static unsigned
catch else namespace static_assert using
char enum new static_cast virtual
char16_t explicit noexcept struct void
char32_t export nullptr switch volatile
class extern operator template wchar_t
const false private this while
constexpr float protected thread_local
const_cast for public throw
...which is a long-winded way of saying "no".
and final
are "identifiers with special meaning" and are listed in Table 3; and
etc. are "alternative representations...for certain operators and punctuators" and are listed in Table 5. Neither table changed between C++11 and C++14.)
I'm posting this answer for the sake of giving tools for finding answers to similar questions.
The standard draft is currently kept in a public GitHub repository. That means you can ask this question to GitHub itself!
The keywords table is on the file source/lex.tex
. If you do a blame on it, we can find that the last change to the keywords table took place back in August 2011 (it's actually the first commit: that table hasn't changed since the repo went live around the time C++11 was being finalised).
Alternatively we can ask GitHub to compare the two drafts that were sent for ballot for both versions of the standard: N3337 and N3936. A diff between those two shows that the changes to lex.tex
did not change anything in the keywords table.
No new keywords will be added with C++14. This is unsurprising as C++14 is intended as a small upgrade to C++11 mainly involved in cleaning up bugs and making small, low impact, improvements. The next major change is likely to be C++'17' where I would expect new keywords once more.
The C++ Standards Committee tends to shy away from adding new keywords
to the language, yet with C++11 that was not the case.
I think it's worth considering why the committee shies away from adding new keywords (and co-incidentally why you are wrong to include auto
on your list). The main problem with new keywords is that in C++ you can't use a keyword as an identifier which means that adding a new keyword breaks existing code. Repurposing auto
, then, doesn't break their rule because no existing code could use auto
as an identifier anyway.
So in order to accept a new keyword there needs to be a justification that outweighs the cost of a potential clash with existing code and no sensible way to implement the same thing without a new keyword. In the case of C++11, the committee accepted a few proposals that required new keywords since they felt that that the benefit outweighed the cost not because they don't hate to add new keywords.
It's also why, if you look down the list you gave, each one is a compound keyword since that reduces the chance that they'll clash with existing identifiers.