I would like to start learning about the big data technologies. I want to work in this area in the future. Does anyone know good books to start learning about it? Hadoop, HBase.
Beginner - intermediate - advanced -
Thanks in advance
I would like to start learning about the big data technologies. I want to work in this area in the future. Does anyone know good books to start learning about it? Hadoop, HBase.
Beginner - intermediate - advanced -
Thanks in advance
I think a good start for beginner will be the Big Data course from Coursera
For example I've learnt the basics of MapReduce techonlology.
How about Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, from O'Reilly Media. It covers everything to do with Hadoop, MapReduce, HDFS and more.
Besides the Cloudera
resources I'd highly recommend you the reference books from O'Reilly :
You might also check it's data science kit as well.
If you are interested in Hive and Pig there are also more specialised books about these technologies:
I would suggest to learn machine learning alongside the technology part https://www.coursera.org/course/ml. Learning statistics is also very important.