I have used Puttygen to create a public and a private key, and then is ready to let TortoiseHg on Windows 7 do a clone by going to
but there seems to be no where to add the private key to TortoiseHg? (or even just the mercurial command line)
The file is already some where on hard disk as somefile.ppk Does someone know how to add it?
Either add the following to the [ui]-section of the mercurial.ini in your home directory (assuming your key is in "C:\Users\UserName\mykey.ppk"):
ssh = tortoiseplink.exe -ssh -i "C:\Users\UserName\mykey.ppk"
or use Pageant, found in the TortoiseHg installation path (e.g. C:\Program Files\TortoiseHg\Pageant.exe). Start it, double click the taskbar-icon that appears, and add the .ppk-file.
need an ssh key generator first
1: cmd: ssh-keygen -t rsa
2: open PuTTY Key Generator
3:Conversions > import key: open the id_rsa file in C:\Users\<username>\.ssh (you may have to create the folder !must run cmd as Admin!)
4:Save the imported file id_rsa as id_rsa.ppk
5:Open Pageant.exe in TortoiseHG folder
6:It will show up in Taskbar
7:Right click and click add keys
8:Finally add your new ppk file
Oh right copy the contents of id_rsa.pub to hg host