I'm trying to delete the last 2 commits in one of my GitHub repositories. I've tried as suggested here : git push -f origin HEAD^^:master. It seems that it works, the last two commits are removed.
Then I deleted them from my local repository with git rebase -i HEAD~2. I remove the lines than are related with those commit, and check with git log that they are correctly removed.
After that I make some changes in my local repository, make a new commit and push to GitHub. The problem is that in my GitHub account I have the previous two commit I've tried to delete.
I think the problem it's in my local repository because if I clone my Github repository to my local, and make some changes here when I push a new commit those old commits aren't pushed to GitHub.
Any idea?
To remove the last two commits locally I'd suggest using:
git reset --hard HEAD^^
Rebase is a completely different operation that won't help you here.
If you want to remove the 2 (two) last commits, there is an easy command to do that:
git reset --hard HEAD~2
You can change the 2
for any number of last commits you want to remove.
And to push this change to remote, you need to do a git push
with the force (-f
) parameter:
git push -f
However, I don't recommend to do any git
command with -f
or --hard
options involved if there are new commits on remote (Github) after this commits that you want to remove. In that case, always use git revert
The following works for me
git reset HEAD~n
It removes the last n
commits from local repo, as HEAD^
removes only one. If you need to remove these changes from remote, you might need to force push as you will be behind remote.
git push -f origin <branch>