Here is what I'm trying to do: I'm developing a Node.js http server, which will hold long connections for pushing purpose(collaborate with redis) from tens of thousands of mobile clients in a single machine.
Test environment:
1.80GHz*2 CPU/2GB RAM/Unbuntu12.04/Node.js 0.8.16
At the first time, I used "express" module, with which I could reach about 120k concurrent connections before swap being used which means the RAM is not enough. Then, I switched to native "http" module, I got the concurrency up to about 160k. But I realized that there are still too many functionality I don't need in native http module, so I switched it to native "net" module(this means I need to handle http protocol by myself, but that's ok). now, I can reach about 250k concurrent connections per single machine.
Here is the main structure of my codes:
var net = require('net');
var redis = require('redis');
var pendingClients = {};
var redisClient = redis.createClient(26379, 'localhost');
redisClient.on('message', function (channel, message) {
var client = pendingClients[channel];
if (client) {
var server = net.createServer(function (socket) {
var buffer = '';
socket.on('data', onData);
function onData(chunk) {
buffer += chunk;
// Parse request data.
// ...
if ('I have got all I need') {
socket.removeListener('data', onData);
var req = {
clientId: 'whatever'
var res = new ServerResponse(socket);
server.emit('request', req, res);
server.on('request', function (req, res) {
if (res.socket.destroyed) {
pendingClinets[req.clientId] = {
res: res
res.socket.on('error', function (err) {
res.socket.on('close', function () {
delete pendingClients[req.clientId];
function ServerResponse(socket) {
this.socket = socket;
ServerResponse.prototype.write = function(data) {
Finally, here are my questions:
How can I reduce the memory usage so that increase the concurrency farther?
I'm really confused about how to calculate the memory usage of Node.js process. I know Node.js powered by Chrome V8, there is process.memoryUsage() api and it return three values: rss/heapTotal/heapUsed, what's the difference between them, which part should I concern more, and what's the exactly composition of the memory used by the Node.js process?
I worried about memory leak even though I have done some tests and there don't seem to be a problem. Are there any points I should concern or any advises?
I found a doc about V8 hidden class, as it described, does that mean whenever I add a property named by clientId to my global object pendingClients just like my codes above, there will be a new hidden class be generated? Dose it will cause memory leak?
I used webkit-devtools-agent to analyze heap map of the Node.js process. I started the process and took a heap snapshot, then I sent 10k requests to it and disconnected them later, after that I took a heap snapshot again. I used the comparison perspective to see the difference between these two snapshots. Here is what I got: Could anyone explain this? The number and size of (array)/(compiled code)/(string)/Command/Array increased a lot, what does this mean?
How did I run the loading test?
1. Firstly, I modified some parameters both on server machine and client machines(to achieve more than 60k concurrency need more than one client machine, because one machine only have 60k+ ports(represented by 16 bit) at most)
1.1. Both one the server and the client machines, I modified the file descriptor use these commands in the shell where the test program will be run in:
ulimit -Hn 999999
ulimit -Sn 999999
1.2. On the server machine, I also modified some net/tcp related kernel parameters, the most important ones are:
net.ipv4.tcp_mem = 786432 1048576 26777216
net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 16384 33554432
net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 16384 33554432
1.3. As to the client machines:
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65535
2. Secondly, I wrote a custom simulate client program using Node.js, since most load test tools, ab, siege, etc, are for short connections, but I'm using long connections and have some special requirements.
3. Then I started the server program on a single machine, and three client program on the other three separated machines.
EDIT: I did reach 250k concurrent connections on a single machine(2GB RAM), but turned out, it's not very meaningful and practical. Because when a connection connected, I just let the connection pending, nothing else. When I tried to sent response to them, the concurrency number dropped down to 150k around. As I calculated, there is about 4KB more memory usage per connection, I guess it's related to net.ipv4.tcp_wmem which I set to 4096 16384 33554432, but even I modified it to smaller, nothing changed. I can't figure out why.
EDIT: Actually, now I'm more interested in how much memory per tcp connection uses and what's the exactly composition of the memory used by a single connection? According to my test data:
150k concurrency consumed about 1800M RAM(from free -m output), and the Node.js process had about 600M RSS
Then, I assumed this:
(1800M - 600M) / 150k = 8k, this is the kernel TCP stack memory usage of a single connection, it consists of two parts: read buffer(4KB) + write buffer(4KB)(Actually, this doesn't match my setting of net.ipv4.tcp_rmem and net.ipv4.tcp_wmem above, how does the system determine how much memory to use for these buffers?)
600M / 150k = 4k, this is the Node.js memory usage of a single connection
Am I right? How can I reduce the memory usage in both aspects?
If there are anywhere I didn't describe well, let me know, I'll refine it! Any explanations or advises will be appreciated, thanks!