Say you have some HTML like this:
<input placeholder="Some text!" required>
<input type="email" placeholder="An Email!" required>
<input type="submit" value="A Button!">
Because of the required
attributes, newer Webkits and Firefoxes show a validation message next to the field if you leave it blank.
They respond to being styled by a rule such as:
div {
font: Helvetica;
But I can't find a more specific selector for them. Does anyone know what selector is used, or will be used, or even a bug report for webkit/gecko relating to this?
( JSFiddle showing that they can be styled with a div selector: )
Update: Chrome does not allow styling form validation bubbles anymore:
In the latest iterations of Chrome, support has been added for pseudo selectors for these, namely;
For more information on these, check out the Webkit "Styling Form Controls" trac page.
Additionally, firefox has support for the element attribute x-moz-errormessage which enables you to change the text of the error message, which is something you could do in Chrome using CSS to and -webkit-validation-bubble-message. See more about x-moz-errormessage on the MDN Docs page.
As of yet, Firefox has no way to style the error bubbles.
You'll need to use more specific selectors for everything else I'm afraid.. body > div etc.