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Reading and writing an INI file
1 answer
I have this simple basic code of VBScript.
Dim cars: cars = Array("Volvo", "Saab", "BMW")
Dim fruits: fruits = Array("Apple", "Orange", "Banana")
Dim i: i = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(cars)
Call Response.Write(cars(i) & " " & fruits(i))
Volvo Apple
Saab Orange
BMW Banana
I want to put all the variables in a config .ini file in a way that the array variable is still in match. (e.g. Volvo and Apple for Volvo Apple) Anyone know or have an idea to do it?
I tried to search for this on the internet but no topic for this one. A big appreciation for the answer.
Instead of using an array use a disconnected recordset. They can be saved to file in binary or xml format.
This stores lines in a file then sorts the recordset on line number and writes it back.
set WshShell = createObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set Inp = WScript.Stdin
Set Outp = Wscript.Stdout
Dim LineCount
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
With rs
.Fields.Append "LineNumber", 4
.Fields.Append "Txt", 201, 5000
LineCount = 0
Do Until Inp.AtEndOfStream
LineCount = LineCount + 1
.Fields("LineNumber").value = LineCount
.Fields("Txt").value = Inp.readline
.Sort = "LineNumber DESC"
Do While not .EOF
Outp.writeline .Fields("Txt").Value
End With
To use
cscript //nologo file.vbs < %windir%\win.ini
And from Help for a recordset
Save Method Saves the Recordset in a file or Stream object.
recordset.Save Destination, PersistFormat
Destination Optional. A Variant that represents the complete path
name of the file where the Recordset is to be saved, or a reference to
a Stream object.
PersistFormat Optional. A PersistFormatEnum value
that specifies the format in which the Recordset is to be saved (XML
or ADTG). The default value is adPersistADTG. Remarks