Can't find [duplicate]

2019-01-06 12:09发布


Possible Duplicate: not found

I am using the most up to date version of Socket.IO and I'm trying the first example on the how to use page, however, I'm getting an error when I try to get to '/'

The javascript console saying the file doesn't exist. When I check my browser (both and, it isn't up there either. Is the documentation out of date? Where is the file that I'm supposed to include?

I am running this on a Mac with NodeJS running my app.js server.

I've tried using "" but it seems that is an old version (0.6) and the Javascript console says it doesn't have the "connect" function. (which is weird, I would think that connect is a rather integral function to have in such a library, but I guess not)


Your Socket.IO server will handle serving the correct version of the Socket.IO client library; you should not be using one from elsewhere on the Internet. From the top example on the Socket.IO website:

<script src="/"></script>

This works because you wrap your HTTP server in Socket.IO (see the example at How To Use) and it intercepts requests for / and sends the appropriate response automatically.


I know this seems obvious, but did you install Socket.IO on your server? Then you'll get a local copy of the file at '/'.

npm install