
IBM Worklight 6.1 - Content of HTML file not displ

2019-03-07 03:00发布


I have recently downloaded the IBM Worklight Developer edition from the Eclipse Marketplace.

In order to deploy the app when I right-click on the HTML file and choose Run As > Run On Server. It then asks me to select Localhost which is running on my machine. When the index.html file is displayed in the window, a blank page comes and the contents of the body of my HTML file are not visible.

I am unable to build and deploy and run any project in IBM Worklight.


It is not working for you, because you are doing it wrong...
Read the IBM Worklight Getting Started training materials before jumping headlong into Worklight...

After creating a new Worklight project and application, you need to:

  1. Right-click the Worklight application
  2. And choose Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server
  3. Then you right-click on the Worklight project
  4. And choose Open Worklight Console

Now you can preview your application. Read the training materials.


Try this also.

After creating a new Worklight project and application, you need to:

  1. Right-click the Worklight application

    And choose Run As > Build All Environments.

    Then And choose Run As > Preview

This will open your application in the browser

Hope this helps