
How can I route an External Class Library in my We

2019-03-07 02:08发布


I have created an WEB API in ASP NET 5 and I can reference an external Class Library vNext. I am working on Visual Studio 2015 Community. In that Library I have this controller:

public class NovosController : Controller
    // GET: api/values

    public IEnumerable<string> Get()
        return new string[] { "i am", "an external library" };

To add this library in my Web API´s references I had to browse the DLL's (one for dnxcore50 and one for dnx451).

This is the result:



In my web API I can get the data from that controller but I can't acess it from URL. But if the library is in the same Solution I can acess it from the URL.

For example:

If external library:


returns me nothing

but if the library is in the same solution:


returns me " i am an external library"

I want to acess by URL to the external library but I can't find any solution to my problem, there is anyone that knows how to make this thing work?


You don't need anything special to allow your external class library to be discovered by IControllerTypeProvider as long as you comply with the requisites:

  • has to be class
  • can’t be abstract
  • has to be public
  • has to be top-level (not nested)
  • can’t be generic
  • has to either derive from Controller base class or end in Controller suffix (for POCOs) and be located in an assembly that references MVC assembly


In your particular case, I think you just need to remove the Route annotation, since it doesn't looks right.

using Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace External.Controllers
    public class NovosController: Controller
        public IEnumerable<string> Get()
            return new string[] { "I am", "an external library" };