Here is the table in which I am retrieving the data from an SQLite database.
Its having lots of records, so near that ADD button I need something like
|< < > >|
which would do the paging function whenever I click.
Also, besides the table each header (e.g. UserName UserId) I need a sorting
button. Something like a ^
button. Please do help me find the solution..Thank You.
use CGI;
use CGI qw/:standard/;
use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser);
my $q = new CGI;
use DBI;
use CGI qw(:all);
use warnings;
print $q->header ( );
my $dbh = DBI->connect(
"", "",
RaiseError => 1,
AutoCommit => 1
my @rows = ();
my $sql = "SELECT UserId,UserName,CardNo,GroupId,Role,VerifyType FROM UsersList";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql) or die("\n\nPREPARE ERROR:\n\n$DBI::errstr");
$sth->execute or die("\n\nQUERY ERROR:\n\n$DBI::errstr");
print '<table>';
print "<tr>";
print "<th>$sth->{NAME}->[0]</th>";
print "<th>$sth->{NAME}->[1]</th>";
print "<th>$sth->{NAME}->[2]</th>";
print "<th>$sth->{NAME}->[3]</th>";
print "<th>$sth->{NAME}->[4]</th>";
print "<th>$sth->{NAME}->[5]</th>";
print "<th> EDIT </th>";
print "<th> DELETE </th>";
while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
print "
<td><A HREF=\"\">EDIT</A></td>
<td><A HREF=\"\">DELETE</A></td>
print "<tr style='background-color:#CDC9C9;'><td><A HREF=\"http://localhost/cgi-
print <<END_HTML;
<form action="UsersList.cgi" method="get">
<TABLE align="center">
<TD align="left">
<input type="hidden" name="submit" value="Submit">
One of the (many) advantages that you'd get from using DBIx::Class for your database access is that all searches have built-in support for paging.
Alternatively, you might find something like Data::Page to be useful.
As for sorting, that's probably best done in your SQL query with a 'sort' clause.
Ok, first thing, get and read Learning Perl. It is, hands down, the best book to learn Perl with.
Next, take a look at Ovid's CGI Course.
Third, your code has some major problems, and you'll need to walk before you run.
I've tidied and commented the heck out of your code.
# Windows perl ignores the shebang, except to check for flags and
# arguments to start the Perl interpreter with.
# Your webserver might use it though
# You forgot to enable strict. You enabled warnings further down in
# your code. These two pragmas will help you write bug free code by
# catching many errors.
# Keep your module and pragma usage at the top of your
# scripts. It aids readability.
use strict;
use warnings;
# Using CGI is a good idea, but you only need to use CGI one time.
use CGI qw/:all/;
# These are good while learning and debugging.
# Do not use them in production code.
use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser);
use DBI;
my $dbh = DBI->connect(
"", "",
RaiseError => 1,
AutoCommit => 1
# Don't use indirect object notation. It can lead to subtle bugs.
# Use the arrow notation for method invocation instead.
my $q = CGI->new();
print $q->header ( );
# The @rows array was doing nothing.
# No need to commit when autocommit is on.
# Here we get the html table in a string.
my $table = generate_data_table( $dbi );
# And here we print your whole HTML block with the table interpolated
# into the the main text. As it was, the HTML page was printing AFTER
# the table you generated.
# I put a crappy improper stylesheet in the header of your html page.
# Unless you are only doing the most rudimentary HTML work, learn to
# use CSS properly. Your time will be repayed hundreds of times over.
# For only rudimentary work, there's still a good chance you'll break
# even on any time you invest in learning CSS.
print <<END_HTML;
<title>Add Users</title>
.adduser {
<form action="UsersList.cgi" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="submit" value="Submit">
# Use subroutines to group related actions.
sub generate_data_table {
my $dbi = shift;
my $sql = "SELECT UserId,UserName,CardNo,GroupId,Role,VerifyType FROM UsersList";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql)
or die("\n\nPREPARE ERROR:\n\n$DBI::errstr");
or die("\n\nQUERY ERROR:\n\n$DBI::errstr");
# Actually generate the table HTML
my $table = '<table><tr>';
# Header
$table .= join '', map "<th>$sth->{NAME}[$_]</th>\n", 0..5;
$table .= "</tr>\n";
# Normal Rows
while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
$table .= '<tr>',
$table .= join '', map "<td>$row[$_]</td>\n", 0..5;
$table .= join "\n",
'<td><A HREF=\"\">EDIT</A></td>'
'<td><A HREF=\"\">DELETE</A></td>'
# Special Row
# Don't use inline CSS, use classes and either group all your css at
# the top of your html code, or better yet, load an external stylesheet.
# There is no reason to have to escape quotes when working with Perl CGI.
# First, in html ' and " are interchangeable, so you can pick a quote
# that doesn't need esacaping.
# Finally, if you MUST use both ' and " in a single string, you can use
# Perl's quoting operators (q and qq) to select a safe delimiter that will allow you
# to avoid escaping.
$table .=
"<tr class='adduser' >"
. '<td><a HREF="http://localhost/cgi-bin/AddUser.cgi">ADD</a></td>'
. '<td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>'
. "</table>";
return $table;
Finally, to handle sorting and paging, you can use a library as others have suggested, or you can modify your SQL query. The keywords you want for grabbing only a range of results are LIMIT
, use an ORDER BY
clause to sort your result set. Add some parameters to your forms to indicate what sorting methods or range you want.