I have an untrusted string that I want to show as text in an HTML page. I need to escape the chars '<
' and '&
' as HTML entities. The less fuss the better.
I'm using UTF8 and don't need other entities for accented letters.
Is there a built-in function in Ruby or Rails, or should I roll my own?
The h
helper method:
<%=h "<p> will be preserved" %>
Checkout the Ruby CGI class. There are methods to encode and decode HTML as well as URLs.
CGI::escapeHTML('Usage: foo "bar" <baz>')
# => "Usage: foo "bar" <baz>"
In Ruby on Rails 3 HTML will be escaped by default.
For non-escaped strings use:
<%= raw "<p>hello world!</p>" %>
ERB::Util.html_escape can be used anywhere. It is available without using require
in Rails.
An addition to Christopher Bradford's answer to use the HTML escaping anywhere,
since most people don't use CGI
nowadays, you can also use Rack
require 'rack/utils'
Rack::Utils.escape_html('Usage: foo "bar" <baz>')
You can use either h()
or html_escape()
, but most people use h()
by convention. h()
is short for html_escape()
in rails.
In your controller:
@stuff = "<b>Hello World!</b>"
In your view:
<%=h @stuff %>
If you view the HTML source: you will see the output without actually bolding the data. I.e. it is encoded as <b>Hello World!</b>
It will appear an be displayed as <b>Hello World!</b>
Comparaison of the different methods:
> CGI::escapeHTML("quote ' double quotes \"")
=> "quote ' double quotes ""
> Rack::Utils.escape_html("quote ' double quotes \"")
=> "quote ' double quotes ""
> ERB::Util.html_escape("quote ' double quotes \"")
=> "quote ' double quotes ""
I wrote my own to be compatible with Rails ActiveMailer escaping:
def escape_html(str)
CGI.escapeHTML(str).gsub("'", "'")
is also useful for escaping quotes.
For example, I have a view that generates a link using a text field result[r].thtitle
. The text could include single quotes. If I didn't escape result[r].thtitle
in the confirm method, the Javascript would break:
<%= link_to_remote "#{result[r].thtitle}", :url=>{ :controller=>:resource,
:action =>:delete_resourced,
:id => result[r].id,
:th => thread,
:html =>{:title=> "<= Remove"},
:confirm => h("#{result[r].thtitle} will be removed"),
:method => :delete %>
<a href="#" onclick="if (confirm('docs: add column &apos;dummy&apos; will be removed')) { new Ajax.Request('/resource/delete_resourced/837?owner=386&th=511', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, method:'delete', parameters:'authenticity_token=' + encodeURIComponent('ou812')}); }; return false;" title="<= Remove">docs: add column 'dummy'</a>
Note: the :html
title declaration is magically escaped by Rails.