assume that we are performing search using keywords: keyword1, keyword2, keyword3
there are records in database with column "name":
1: John Doe
2: Samuel Doe
3: John Smith
4: Anna Smith
now Query:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE (name LIKE "%John%" OR name LIKE "%Doe%")
it will select records: 1,2,3 (in this order)
but i want to order it by keyword
in example keyword1=John, keyword2=Doe
so it should be listed by keywords: 1,3,2 (because i want to perform search for "Doe" after searching for "John")
I was thinking about SELECT DISTINCT FROM (...... UNION .....)
but it will be much easier to order it somehow in another way (real query is really long)
are there any tricks to create such order?
order by case
when name LIKE "%John%" then 1
when name LIKE "%Doe%" then 2
else 3
Read up on Boolean Fulltext Searches, with which you can do ordering.
SELECT u.*, 1 OrderNum
FROM users
WHERE (name LIKE "%John%")
SELECT u.*, 2 OrderNum
FROM users
WHERE (name LIKE "%Doe%")
Order by OrderNum
To build on RedFilter's answer, you could make the rows that have both keywords to be at the top:
order by case
when (name LIKE "%John%" and name LIKE "%Doe%") then 1
when name LIKE "%John%" then 2
when name LIKE "%Doe%" then 3
My example will Order all of the John
's Alphabetically followed by the Doe
WHEN name LIKE "John%Doe" THEN CONCAT('a',name)
WHEN name LIKE "John%" THEN CONCAT('b',name)
WHEN name LIKE "%Doe" THEN CONCAT('c',name)
ELSE name