I've tried to run a lot of shell-codes via C program to test them. Here it is
unsigned char code[] = "shell here";
printf("Shellcode Length: %d\n", strlen(code));
int (*ret)() = (int(*)())code;
And here's example of shellcode
(\bin\cat \etc\shadow)
After running
gcc sctest.c -o out
It's just gives me shellcode length and Segmentation Fault
I've already tried a lot of different shellcodes but everything just gives me segfault
My dmesg | tail -1
[18440.783383] test[8768]: segfault at 8049700 ip 08049700 sp bffff2ec error 15 in test[8049000+1000]
What's wrong with my shellcodes?
After disabling NX-bit and other things like randomize_va_space I've finally done it.
Firstly you should compile your executable with keys -z execstack and -fno-stack-protector.
After that disable ASLR echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space.
Now you have to find shellcode. You can try mspayload or msfvenom. Shellcode is a bytecode which usually gives you shell.
On that step you should find offset for your stack overflow. You can try to find lines like
sub hex-offset, %esp
Or you can try to bruteforce it with simple script like ./your_binary < python -c "print('A')*n") where n is your offset
After finding offset(SEGFAULT occurs and dmesg | tail -1 says that %eip is 0x41414141) you just need to write your exploit. It's structure looks like that
NOPs(no operation)*x+shellcode+return-address(4 bytes)*y
len(shellcode)+x+4y=your offset
Where return address is an address of the place in the stack where your NOPs are located(address of %esp which you see in gdb info r before input)
And don't forget that exploit which works in gdb won't work without gdb because you need to add/substract 36 bytes from your return address.
Finally you're ready to exploit
./your_binary < exploit.bin