I have a txt file: gcc-4.7.2.txt : with the data written: Hello This is a test file. Thanks :compressed as gcc-4.7.2.tar.bz2
Now, I run the following code:
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/iostreams/filtering_streambuf.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/copy.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/filter/bzip2.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
int main()
using namespace std;
using namespace boost::iostreams;
char filename[] = "gcc-4.7.2.tar.bz2";
if (!boost::filesystem::exists(filename))
cout << "Can't find " << filename << ". Expect errors to follow! " << endl;
ifstream file(filename, ios_base::in | ios_base::binary);
filtering_streambuf<input> in;
filtering_streambuf<output> out;
//cout << "in_file:" << in << endl;
boost::iostreams::copy(in, cout);
//boost::iostreams::copy(in, out);
//cout << cout << endl;
//boost::iostreams::copy(in, compressed_string);
//cout << "Copied" << compressed_string << " " << in.str() << endl;
catch (const bzip2_error& exception)
cout << "catchblock" << endl;
cout << exception.what() << endl;
int error = exception.error();
if (error == bzip2::data_error)
cout << "compressed data stream is corrupted";
else if (error == bzip2::data_error_magic)
cout << "compressed data stream does not begin with the 'magic' sequence 'B' 'Z' 'h'";
else if (error == bzip2::config_error)
cout << "libbzip2 has been improperly configured for the current platform";
cout << "Error: " << error;
cout << endl;
While running it the output is:
dev4@sun-desktop:~/readerwriter$ ./test1
gcc-4.7.2.txt0000644000175100001440000000004312547435102011603 0ustar dev4usersHello
This is a test file.
What are the characters before Hello ? why is it printing the file name?
I just copied the the in stream 'in' to cout using boost::iostream function.
Why should it only be copied to 'cout' how can I have a different named output stream there ?