I have spent a couple hours trying to figure out why this comes back as 0 If someone could help that would be great.
1 /*Written by Connor Green*/
2 /*CISP 1010 01/28/17*/
4 #include <iostream>
5 using namespace std;
7 int main()
10 {
11 int carton_size, number_cartons, eggs_per_omelette, number_of_omelettes;
12 /*This will tell you how many omelettes you can make*/
14 number_of_omelettes = carton_size * number_cartons / eggs_per_omelette;
15 cout << "Welcome to the Egg Ordering Guide.\n";
16 cout << "How many eggs do you want per carton? (12, 18, or 25):\n";
17 cin >> carton_size;
18 cout << "How many cartons?:\n";
19 cin >> number_cartons;
20 cout << "How many eggs in an omelette? (2 or 3):\n";
21 cin >> eggs_per_omelette;
22 cout << "You can make ";
23 cout << number_of_omelettes;
24 cout << " omelettes with this amount of eggs.\n";
26 return 0;
27 }