I have mongodb data like:
{'word': 'good', 'info': [{'tbl_id': 'd1', 'term_freq': 2}, {'tbl_id': 'd2', 'term_freq': 56}, {'tbl_id': 'd3', 'term_freq': 3}]}
{'word': 'spark', 'info': [{'tbl_id': 'd1', 'term_freq': 6}, {'tbl_id': 'd3', 'term_freq': 11}, {'tbl_id': 'd4', 'term_freq': 10}]}
{'word': 'good', 'info': [{'tbl_id': 'd4', 'term_freq': 12}, {'tbl_id': 'd5', 'term_freq': 8}, {'tbl_id': 'd8', 'term_freq': 7}]}
{'word': 'spark', 'info': [{'tbl_id': 'd5', 'term_freq': 6}, {'tbl_id': 'd6', 'term_freq': 11}, {'tbl_id': 'd7', 'term_freq': 10}]}
and I want to use pymongo to process it, the result should be:
{'word': 'good',
'info': [{'tbl_id': 'd1', 'term_freq': 2}, {'tbl_id': 'd2', 'term_freq': 56}, {'tbl_id': 'd3', 'term_freq': 3},
{'tbl_id': 'd4', 'term_freq': 12}, {'tbl_id': 'd5', 'term_freq': 8}, {'tbl_id': 'd8', 'term_freq': 7}]}
{'word': 'spark',
'info': [{'tbl_id': 'd1', 'term_freq': 6}, {'tbl_id': 'd3', 'term_freq': 11}, {'tbl_id': 'd4', 'term_freq': 10},
{'tbl_id': 'd5', 'term_freq': 6}, {'tbl_id': 'd6', 'term_freq': 11}, {'tbl_id': 'd7', 'term_freq': 10}]}
I use group in pymongo:
a = mycol.aggregate([{"$group": {"_id":"$word", 'infos': {"$concatArrays": 1}}}])
for i in a:
It went wrong: pymongo.errors.OperationFailure: unknown group operator '$concatArrays'
and I use group
a = mycol.group(key='word',condition=None, initial={'infos': []}, reduce={"$concatArrays": "info"})
for i in a:
It also went wrong:
Traceback (most recent call last):File "F:/programs/SearchEngine/test.py", line 167, in <module> a = mycol.group(key='word',condition=None, initial={'infos': []}, reduce={"$concatArrays": "info"}) File "C:\Users\ll\.virtualenvs\SearchEngine\lib\site-packages\pymongo\collection.py", line 2550, in group group["$reduce"] = Code(reduce) File "C:\Users\ll\.virtualenvs\SearchEngine\lib\site-packages\bson\code.py", line 54, in __new__ "instance of %s" % (string_type.__name__))
TypeError: code must be an instance of str