
Failed to add permission to a SoftLayer user ID

2019-03-06 15:34发布


curl -D - -X POST -d @permissionSLUser.in.json -o "permissionSLUser.out.json"

permissionSLUser.in.json contains:

 { "parameters": [ { "key": "T_1" } ] }

permissionSLUser.out.json contains:

"error":"You may not add permissions that the parent does not possess to this account.","code":"SoftLayer_Exception_Public"

Update 1

I am certain that the parent of 1234 has T_1 permission, so I don't understand why I am getting this permission error.

Would anyone have any idea why? Thanks.


Please use “keyname” instead of “key”.

This is a Rest Example:


Method: POST


  "parameters": [
      "keyName": "TICKET_VIEW"

To get all available permissions, please review: SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission::getAllObjects

Update 1:

If you want to use SoftLayer_User_Customer::addBulkPortalPermission, please try the following REST request:



Method: POST

Json Payload:

  "parameters": [
        "keyName": "TICKET_VIEW"

Note: In this case, notice that the configuration has 2 "square bracket": ...": [[{"keyName":...

I hope them help you.