I have a variable passed to stored procedure
@keywords = 'val1, val3, val5'
And i'm trying to see if column named Title contain any of them in it
Ex: Title1 - 'Hello val1'
Title2 - 'Hello val3'
Title3 - 'Hello val1, val3'
Title4 - 'Hello'
SO my results should return values
Hello val1
Hello val3
Hello val1, val3
Is this possible to use LIKE or any other function/method?
You need to split the CSV into rows (see Arrays and Lists in SQL Server 2005 and Beyond for variuos techniques how). I'll assume that you create dbo.ufnSplitRows
based on this
Then JOIN using LIKE
MYtable M
dbo.ufnSplitRows (@CSV) C ON M.Title LIKE '%' + C.SplitValue + '%'
By the way, it will run poorly because of the leading '%' at least
If you make some assumptions about how the query string is stored, then yes (though it's not terribly efficient):
Assumption: the string will be stored with every item separated by a comma, then a space. (This is what you posted in your question)
select * from YourTable where
(@keywords like KeyColumn + ', %') or
(@keywords like '%, ' + KeyColumn + ', %') or
(@keywords like '%, ' + KeyColumn)