
M2E Cron jobs not automatically running in Magento

2019-03-06 13:11发布


We've installed M2E on a Magento installation for a client - all the Cron jobs are set to run but unless we do them manually, they just aren't running. Running them manually does work fine.

I have read through lots of documentation and support tickets but there seems to be no identification of a similar problem or fix for it.

The sync tab has a message saying:

Last synchronization was performed by cron more than 12 hours ago. Please check Magento cron job configuration.

Does anyone have any helpful solutions?


I would take a look at the table cron_schedule and ensure that cron.php is setup and executing properly within the crontab daemon itself in your environment.

  • http://www.magentocommerce.com/wiki/1_-_installation_and_configuration/how_to_setup_a_cron_job

Also, I think the M2E module requires that the admin Add Secret Key option must be disabled to work as well.


Look for /var/M2ePro/cron.lock, remove it and then check if M2E's cron working.


Unfortunately I have no M2ePro directory under /var and synchronization does not kick in even though it's configured in cron ok.

This started happening after upgrading to Magento

Found the following in the M2e knowledgebase at http://support.m2epro.com/knowledgebase/articles/268105-cron-job-doesn-t-work-since-update-to-magento-1-8

Cron job doesn't work since update to magento 1.8

The cron problem is not related to m2e pro, but to the changes in cron.php file in the latest magento version 1.8.

There's 2 ways how to fix the problem:

  1. Use the cron.php file from the previous versions. You can download it from here and copy into your magento installation folder.
  2. Another way is to change command for cron job and add flag -mdefault 1. ( i.e. php -q /path_to_magento/cron.php -mdefault 1 )


This is an old question but in case others come across it and have a problem running their cron jobs, it might simply be you're using an old version of php! By default, on 1and1 in my case, just using the php command gets v4.4.9. I have to explicitly force php v5 and then it works!