I searched the web for an existing and supported SOAP library for Python 3. (both client and server)
Here the list of libraries I've found:
Python 2:
- Zeep: active and well documented in Python 2.7/3
- SOAPy: discontinued Python 2 project
- ZSI: discontinued Python 2 project
- soaplib: discontinued Python 2 project
- SUDS: discontinued Python 2 project (no activity since 02/2012)
- rpclib: discontinued Python 2 project (no activity since 08/2012)
Python 3:
- Zeep: active and well documented Python 2/3 project
- SOAPy: discontinued Python 2 project
- pysimplesoap: active Python 2/3 project
- SUDS-jurko: quite inactive. Python 2/3 project
- ladon: low activivty. but web services only
Does this list seems complete to you? (FYI, I used this post as starting point (The purpose of that post was the same but for Python 2))
ladon seems to me the only existing framework for Python 3 but can AFAIK only be used for implementing the server side.
NO: I don't want to migrate one of the discontinued Python 2 projects myself. I am looking for a supported project with an active team providing help if needed.
Updated on 28/09/2013