My project is based on create-react-app. npm start
or yarn start
by default will run the application on port 3000 and there is no option of specifying a port in the package.json.
How can I specify a port of my choice in this case? I want to run two of this project simultaneously (for testing), one in port 3005
and other is 3006
If you don't want to set the environment variable, another option is to modify the scripts
part of package.json from:
"start": "react-scripts start"
Linux (tested on Ubuntu 14.04/16.04) and MacOS (tested by @aswin-s on MacOS Sierra 10.12.4):
"start": "PORT=3006 react-scripts start"
or (may be) more general solution by @IsaacPak
"start": "export PORT=3006 react-scripts start"
Windows @JacobEnsor solution
"start": "set PORT=3006 && react-scripts start"
Update due to the popularity of my answer: Currently I prefer to use environment variables saved in .env
file(useful to store sets of variables for different deploy
configurations in a convenient and readable form). Don't forget to add *.env
into .gitignore
if you're still storing your secrets in .env
files. Here is the explanation of why using environment variables is better in the most cases. Here is the explanation of why storing secrets in environment is bad idea.
Here is another way to accomplish this task.
Create a .env file at your project root and specify port number there. Like:
You can specify a environment variable named PORT
to specify the port on which the server will run.
$ export PORT=3005 #Linux
$ $env:PORT=3005 # Windows - Powershell
You could use cross-env to set the port, and it will work on Windows, Linux and Mac.
yarn add -D cross-env
then in package.json the start link could be like this:
"start": "cross-env PORT=3006 react-scripts start",
Just update a bit in webpack.config.js
devServer: {
historyApiFallback: true,
contentBase: './',
port: 3000 // <--- Add this line and choose your own port number
then run npm start
For my windows folks I discovered a way to change ReactJS port to run on any port you want.Before running the server go to
In it, search for the line below and change the port number to your desired port
var DEFAULT_PORT = process.env.PORT || *4000*;
And you are good to go.
Changing in my package.json file "start": "export PORT=3001 && react-scripts start"
worked for me too and I'm on macOS 10.13.4
It would be nice to be able to specify a port other than 3000
, either as a command line parameter or an environment variable.
Right now, the process is pretty involved:
- Run
npm run eject
- Wait for that to finish
- Edit
and find/replace 3000
with whatever port you want to use
- Edit
and do the same
npm start
To summarize, we have three approaches to accomplish this:
- Set an environment variable named "PORT"
- Modify the "start" key under "scripts" part of package.json
- Create a .env file and put the PORT configuration in it
The most portable one will be the last approach. But as mentioned by other poster, add .env into .gitignore in order not to upload the configuration to the public source repository.
More details: this article
This works on both Windows and Linux
"scripts": {
"start": "set PORT=3006 && PORT=3006 react-scripts start || react-scripts start"
but you propably prefer to create .env with PORT=3006 written inside it
you can find default port configuration at start your app
scroll down and change the port to whatever you want
const DEFAULT_PORT = parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) || 4000;
hope this may help you ;)