I am working on Passenger information system PIS(Train).So trains send their location to my server PIS using socket on port 8080 .So i should get their locations and show them to passengers . The message that comes from the trains has a template that i should follow that. As you can see here :
So as you can see here we have 6 variables .every integer is 4 byte. The first variable is(4 byte) message source and etc.
In my server i have to detect these variable but i don't know how can i detect them from the message .
static void Listeners()
Socket socketForClient = tcpListener.AcceptSocket();
if (socketForClient.Connected)
Console.WriteLine("Client:" + socketForClient.RemoteEndPoint + " now connected to server.");
NetworkStream networkStream = new NetworkStream(socketForClient);
System.IO.StreamWriter streamWriter =
new System.IO.StreamWriter(networkStream);
System.IO.StreamReader streamReader =
new System.IO.StreamReader(networkStream);
while (true)
TimeTableRepository objTimeTableRepository = new TimeTableRepository();
SensorRepository objSensorRepository = new SensorRepository();
ArrivalTimeRepository objArrivalTimeRepository=new ArrivalTimeRepository();
TrainRepository objTrainRepository = new TrainRepository();
// OnlineTrainRepository ObjOnlineTrainrepository = new OnlineTrainRepository();
string theString = streamReader.ReadLine();
Here is my listener to port 8080 and theString is the message that is send by trains.My problem is how can i detect this parameters (Message source,message destination and etc) from theString?I mean i need the value of them to store in database .
best regards